Prolotherapy Injections


Prolotherapy injections aim to encourage the body’s production of new collagen fibres, which fortify and thicken the ligaments. This method involves the injection of a dextrose (sugar) solution, which triggers an inflammatory response that draws cells responsible for collagen production, leading to the development of stronger and healthier collagen fibres within the ligaments. As a result, the ligaments are reinforced, preventing them from becoming excessively loose and stabilizing the injected spine or joints.

This approach is particularly beneficial for treating ligaments that are stretched or weakened from overuse, injury, or due to specific conditions like Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, which can cause joints to be unstable and painful. Prolotherapy is effective for addressing lower back pain and is applicable to several other body joints, such as the knees, shoulders, and ankles.

Joint Injections

Prolotherapy Injections